Start Your 30-Day Free Trial Now

How to Get Started

Fill out the onboarding form below.

You will receive an email that includes information on how to enable your integration.

  • If you use cloud-based systems like TekMetric, ShopWare, or Protractor, you can do this yourself with the provided instructions.

  • If you use RO Writer or Mitchell 1, you will schedule an installation appointment where we will do the setup for you. 

Once your integration is enabled, we’ll create a user account for you and add you to the OktoRocket system. You’re good to go!

What Happens After the 30-Day Trial?

When your trial is complete, you’ll receive an invoice via email. If you want to continue using OktoRocket, simply pay the invoice and you’ll be subscribed! If you don't want to continue, just ignore the invoice and your account and subscription will be disabled and canceled.

Ready to launch this sucker? Fill out this form!

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