Our Product

Think of us as the extra set of arms — and added brain power — you need to help your business take off. OktoRocket sorts through your data to create functional, easy-to-understand statistical reports that show you how your shop is really doing, and where you can generate new growth.

{8} Features that Fuel Our Clients’ Success

  • Goal Setting

    Establish your shop goals and track your progress over time. No more guessing games — you’ll understand exactly how close you are to reaching your goals.

  • Rollover Tracking

    Know how much work is leftover each month and accurately diagnose output with track rollover, which lets you see tickets and sales dollars from previous months that have not posted and “rolled” into the current month.

  • Leaderboards

    Who’s really crushing it at work? Our leaderboards let you see which of your employees are coming out on top in Gross Profit, Average Repair Order and Sales, Average Tech Quote, Average Repair Order, and Quote Hours.

  • Week-Over-Week Comparisons

    Get a detailed view of how your analytics change from week to week to tap into the health of your shop in real time.

  • Multi-Shop Analytics

    Own more than one shop? No problem. You can keep tabs on multiple locations within your OktoRocket software.

  • Marketing Metrics

    See which of your customers are new vs. returning, as well as their source. If you have CallRail, you can also integrate Marketing Metrics with OktoRocket to get customer conversion ratios.

  • Detailed Shop Analytics

    Get a full breakdown of your sales analytics and data so you can identify weak points, create goals, and increase productivity.

  • Outrunning Overhead

    Know which day you are estimated to outrun your overhead for the month, and when you will meet and exceed your goal.

Our Onboarding Process

  • Step One

    Fill out the onboarding form.

  • Step Two

    We’ll send you an email with detailed instructions explaining how to get started.

  • Step Three

    Integrate your data.

  • Step Four

    Schedule an optional 20-minute walkthrough.

Pricing starts at just $197/month per shop

Intelligent shop data analysis that won’t cost you an arm and a… arm.

Available Integrations: